Monday, August 25, 2008

Pray for rain

but pretend there's nothing wrong.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Death to everyone is gonna come

This is currently my most favorite drawing i made, even though there's too much meaningless symbolism in it.

edit: added some highlights on his shirt and horns

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Attack of the subconcious

I thought this looked pretty cool until i realized it was basically picollo with a ponytail. Damn all those hours spent in front of the tv as a child! Charcoal and white paint on a piece of thrown away furniture.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

If I could travel to the stars

It would definately be inside a giant dragonfly suit.. This was actually for a stnclrvltn battle thread, untill i realized a giant dragonfly suit does not really count as an 'astral body'

to the stars.. and beyond! again!

And I guess the weird blurry thing is caused by firefox3 which for some reason thinks the images are displayed in different dimensions than they actually are, and rescales them smoothly (instead of nearest neighbour like it used to)
edit: ok im dumb, firefox was zoomed in at like 105% or something so that caused the blurring.

Hands everywhere

Two recent hand sketches.. 'studies' you might even say? Not sure, at all.

is it me or does blogspot seem to make scaled down images blurry?